Monday, December 7, 2009

Barberini at the Gates

[Image courtesy: Wikipedia]

Apparently, Pope Urban VIII, who was in league with the Jesuits to repress the progress of human science, not only persecuted Galileo for heliocentrism, but also stole the designs of Leonardo da Vinci for the television set. According to sources speaking off the record, the Jesuits apparently stored the designs for the TV set in the Vatican's secret archives, but did manufacture a single set for use by the Pope himself, shown here using his remote to watch the Sunday football games.

It is still being disputed by scholars whether that set captured existing transmissions, or ones emanating from the distant future. In any case, a secret informant, under the code name "Pasquino", wrote at the time, "Quod non potuerunt barbari, fecerunt barberini", attesting to the amazing powers of the Papacy and the Jesuits.

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